Monday, January 28, 2013

Review: Why We Write by Meredith Maran

Date Read - January 28, 2013
Source - NetGalley

For any aspiring writer (myself included) most desires is for their book to chart the bestsellers list, getting paid handsomely, and best of all, receiving acclaim for their masterpieces. But being realistic, getting a book published, let alone having a publisher accept your work, is no cake walk. In this anthology, twenty well-known author from all walks of life, offer their own stories, struggles, and triumph on their writing lives. Mary Karr, Isabel Allende, Kathryn Harrison, Jodi Picoult, and Sebastian Junger are just some of the authors that serve as guides for the countless others whom want to become a writer. In the end, "Why We Write" is an examination of a writing life as well as a beacon for those writers-in-training. 

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